15 November 2009

Swansong Corpus Christi, Pt. I

These scenes say it all (Downtown Corpus, November 2009).

The clock has started. I don't need a minute hand and an hour hand to tell time. The Navy calls me a "short timer". Educators think I have "senioritis". Officially, I have put in my two weeks. The door has opened and the opportunity availed itself. But, it wasn't in "This Same Ugly Town".

I have a very soft spot for Corpus. Granted, I didn't grow up here from birth. But I lived here long enough to know where to return to at curfew. I am a proud Tuloso-Midway graduate and when the going got tough, I recoiled back to CC for to lick my wounds and get back on my feet. Had I known that my recovery would have been so successful...ugh, I had no idea my recovery would be so successful.

I have always found Corpus to be such an anomaly. When I moved back from Austin (or what Dad calls, "Where Souls Get Eaten"), it was the little things that I thought were strange, like: why don't they syndicate "The Simpsons" at a decent time slot, how come the good restaurants are always closed on Mondays and why do the most scenic places smell like live shrimp. Then when I started paying attention to how this town operates, it became apparent that as much as people hate to admit it, it's quite the dysfunctional town. Limited tax base, disparity of wealth, population shift versus population boom, no advancement in new industry, ultra-dependence on service industry and tourism with no financial investment into growth, an influx on retirees with no young population replacement, a certain strata with education...I can go on.

I partitioned my swan song because there are some absolute wrongs to Corpus Christi (thus Pt. I). There are certain things I hate about this town, and it is far more rooted than just bad drivers. I hate how it is only accessible from an Interstate they just made up 30 years ago. I hate the general smallness of thinking, from mayor to non-voter. I hate how the slums aren't really slums. I hate how downtown isn't really a downtown. I hate the excuses. Then I hate the counter-excuses. It's the reason why kids don't stay. It's the reason for the incessant complaining on caller.com articles. As I mentioned in late July, I have my professional opinions. But my personal opinion played a part in our ultimate decision to ship out.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just falling under the same spell that lots of other younger Corpus Christians trip over. With my time in Austin and visiting other metro areas, I will never understand why (for example) one city as only 2 really crappy movie theaters (Dollar Cinema doesn't count). I start making the same simple comparisons with apples and oranges. Apples say, I hate the fact that no good alternate music act show up to CC. But, I know with the oranges, Corpus can't support the $50 for Them Crooked Vultures tickets. So it saddens me when I see things as part of the solution, the problems mount quickly to thwart.

Everyone...not just me, but the whole state...will benefit when Corpus gets in order. If you want to be a more-populous Port Aransas, then work on that. If you want to be Austin, work on that instead. Hell, if you want to be Odessa - which shouldn't be difficult with the oil presence - make that call and go forth. But figure it out. Quit languishing in your own excuses. Make a bloody decision and drive on.

So, for now...I hate you Corpus...for now.

Lessons Learned, my three things.
1) There seems to be only one Quest Diagnostics that does drug testing. It's in Flour Bluff and it's kinda creepy. But they were professional, so I went with it.
2) Having professionals box up al your possessions is expensive. But the benefits always outweigh the costs.
3) Stress leads to a terrible diet. Thank God I haven't gained too much weight, but I am eating all sorts of junk right now...not good.

In part two, I will totally love on you, Corpus Christi. See, I told you my relationship with Corpus was dysfunctional. Talk later.

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